Gentofte International Junior Mixed Doubles Cup 2025

Dear junior curlers,

Gentofte Curling Club would like to invite you to Gentofte International Junior Mixed Doubles Cup on 25th-27th of April 2025. The tournament is initiated as a possibility to play good and serious games up to the comming World Junior Mixed Doubles Championship 2025.


25th-27th of April 2025. First games are expected to start Friday morning on the number of teams and system of play. 


Gentofte Curling Club is located at Gentofte Sportpark. The address is Ved Stadion 8, 2820 Gentofte, Denmark. The venue is located around 20 minutes away from Copenhagen central. “Jægersborg” station is nearby in walking distance from the Venue

Number of teams:

The maximum number of teams are 8.

System of play:

Will depend on the number of teams. All teams however are guaranteed a minimum of four games. All games will be 8 ends. You can expect group stage and knockout phase but more information will be shared after the deadline of entry. 

Prizes (with 8 teams):

1: 600 EUR
2: 350 EUR
3: 200 EUR
4: 100 EUR

Registration and payment:

Click the button below to jump to the form.

Deadline for entry: March 25th 2025.

Confirmation for entry: March 30th 2025 the latest

Deadline for Payment: April 7th 2025

If payment has not been received on time, the spot on the tournament will be given to another team.

Wait until your registration and spot has been confirmed by e-mail before you book hotel/flights or pay entry fee.

Entry fee 300 EUR

The entry fee includes dinner for up to 3 persons Saturday evening at the venue.

Make sure you write your team name in the payment:

Nordea København Nord
IBAN: DK25 2000 8073 0000 26


Gentofte Curling Club is a dedicated curling rink with 2 sheets and our WCF ice makers will make a special effort to make optimal playing conditions.


The nearest accommodation possibility is Gentofte Hotel - a 20 minute walk from the venue.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Gentofte Curling Club

Kind regards,
Gentofte Curling Club.